- Trusting me and my choices (from trust comes confidence)
- Fun
- Love (come to everything with an open heart)
- Authenticity (in myself and others)
- Listening
- Being in the moment
You get the idea. In addition, I'm saying "Yes" to:
- Coffee (with cream and sugar)
- Scotch
- Writing
- Coaching and teaching
- Book Production
- Riding and playing with horses
- Photography
- Breathing
- Nature
- Wind
- Tegra's Journey (I guess we're not done yet!)
- etc.
You can also create a "Yes" List of people. Who do you want to say "Yes" to in your lives?
You can create "Yes" statements. Let's say you're looking for work. Create a "Yes" statement that starts like this: "I would like to say 'Yes' to work that is _______ (insert a "Yes" List)." Or, what about relationships: "I would like to say 'Yes' to a relationship(s) that is _______ (insert a "Yes" List)."
How do you create a "Yes" List? First you sit down and get into your body. Feel what "Yes" feels like. Then start writing. Keep checking with your body. If you use a pendulum, it's easy to check things.
There are few rules: Obligations are not allowed. There are no mistakes. You can always change your list. Be open to the possibilities. Don't worry about how things are going to come about and don't be surprised by what actually ends up happening. There is an element of mystery in all of this that is what keeps it interesting and amazing.
Another way to create a "Yes" List is by vision boarding. Look through magazines and clip out anything that you are drawn to. This exercise is excellent for tapping into your intuition. Then arrange all the things you cut out onto a big piece of bristol board.
And you're done. Put the list or vision board away. Pull it out once in a while to see what's happening but you do not have to make a strategic plan, a business plan, or a budget. The idea is that you will have whatever you need in order to do/be/get whatever is on your "Yes" List as you need it. Trust the timing. Be courageous.
The horses in my life are showing me the tools I need in order to live in this "Yes" energy. They are showing me how to listen to myself and to them; how to be in the moment and forget about time; how to come with an open heart and get out of my head; how peaceful it is without self pity; and how deeply it is possible to truly feel. Trust is the foundation. Always remember to breathe (and yawn!). Nothing clears the clutter faster or better.
I'm not perfect at this I have to say. I only just started doing it myself and sometimes find myself getting distracted. But all I have to do is ask myself, "Did I say 'yes' to this?" Or, as I'm making choices along the way, "should I say 'yes' to this?" And then keep moving towards the "Yes".
This works in the workplace as well. As an individual, a work unit or company/organization, compose a "Yes" List. Come up with 3 to 5 things you want to say "Yes" to and watch how being aware of only those things keeps you focused and motivated. There's no such thing as competition. You're just doing your thing because it's what you truly want to do. Nothing else matters.
There's more in store for me and my journey with Tegra. She's an animal angel now grazing in a warm, fragrant pasture. Who knew what saying "Yes" to her was going to mean. I'm in awe of what showed up and so very grateful for the things (fears) I was able to move through and come to terms with along the way.
Thank you beautiful Tegra...
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